Yoga Philosophy and Yoga Sutra:
The founder of the Yoga Philosophy is Maharishi Patanjali who also wrote the ‘Yoga Sutra’
There are total 195 yoga sutras
Some scholars also consider 196 sutras (Light on Yoga- BKS Iyengar)
These are divided into 4 chapters: Samadhi pada, Sadhana pada, Vibhuti pada and Kaivalya pada
Maharishi Patanjali has different names – Charaka, Panini, Phanipatinath
There are many treatise available on Yoga sutras but the most popular and ancient one is Vyas Bhasya
On the basis of yoga sutra the yoga philosophy was founded, we can say Yoga sutra is a book and yoga philosophy is not a book. Yoga philosophy is an idea in which many great thinkers have contributed and many different discussions took places. So yoga sutra is a book or treatise written by sage Patanjali.